
[Bits and pieces of books that I want to be able to remember.]

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Friday, December 25, 2015

Love Does by Bob Goff

I enjoy those parts of the Bible where Jesus talks about how much He loves His bride.  It makes me wonder if the trees and mountains and rivers are things He planned in advance, Knowing they would wow us.  I wonder if God returned over and over to this world He placed us in thinking that what He had created was good, but it could be even better, even grander.  I wonder if He thought each foggy morning, each soft rain, each field of wildflowers would be a quiet and audacious way to demonstrate His tremendous love for us.  p. 24

The thing I love about God is He intentionally guides people into failure.  He made us be born as little kids who can't walk or talk or even use a bathroom correctly.  We have to be taught everything.  All that learning takes time, and He made us so we are dependent on Him, our parents, and each other.  The whole thing is designed so we try again and again until we finally get it right.  And the whole time He is endlessly patient.  p. 29

One of my favorite quotes: The more I've listened to God, the more I've realized I don't always catch what God is up to in real time either.  Some people speak with a great deal of authority about what God is doing *right now*.  I'm always amazed because I can never figure out God that quickly.  I usually understand what God is doing by seeing it through the rearview mirror.  Only then can I connect the dots, and even then, it's a pretty dodgy sketch.  p. 140